Chocolate Filling Solution
When you ask people about their favorite sweet thing for eating they’ll probably say it’s chocolate.
All people around the world love chocolate more than any other sweets.

On the Plantation
Before diving right into the part of the processes, it is important to understand that a lot of stuff happens to the chocolate before it gets to us. The processes that occur on the plantation can have a significant effect on the quality and flavor of the chocolate, so it’s good to have some idea of what happens upstream.
Every chocolate bar you’ve ever eaten began its life as a pod on the cacao tree, Theobroma cacao. Each pod contains 30-45 cacao beans encased in a sticky white pulp. The beans are made up of two parts: a dark nut, known as the nib, and a papery shell.
The chocolate process begins with the pods being cut down from the trees and split open. The beans are then scooped out of the pod and are left to ferment with the pulp for about a week. Fermentation kills the beans, preventing them from germinating later, and also develops flavor precursors that are essential to tasty chocolate.

Once they have dried, the beans leave the plantation and are shipped to the factory (us). The first step is to roast the beans.
Roasting accomplishes the following goals:
Develops the flavor of the chocolate Remember those flavor precursors that were created during the fermentation step? By roasting the beans, we develop those precursors into actual flavors.
Heating the beans produces a series of chemical reactions known as the Maillard reactions, in which amino acids and sugars react to form all sorts of chemicals.
Roasting also drives off the more volatile acids that are naturally present in cacao beans.
Kills bacteria For those keeping track at home, the beans have just spent more than a week outside of the pod at the plantation, either fermentation or drying in the open air.
Anything left out for that long in a tropical atmosphere is practically guaranteed to have some sort of microbes hanging around on it, and we don’t want those in our chocolate.

Once the beans have been roasted, the shell is removed from the nib
The shell is papery, crunchy, and doesn’t contribute any flavor to the final product, so we want to discard it.
Back in the day, They used to do this step by hand, with a rolling pin, hairdryer, and bowls. That sucked, took forever, and was really inefficient, so in fall 2012 an Automatic Winnower as part of the HackPrinceton hackathon was made.
To separate the shell from the nibs, the roasted beans are fed into the winnower via the feed chute of the Champion Juicer.
Then they fall past the juicer’s rotating blades, which crack the beans into pieces of nib and shell.
These pieces fall down the PVC entry pipe until they hit a barrier where the entry pipe connects to the rest of the piping.
Once they hit the barrier, the pieces of nib and shell feel the pull of the vacuum generated by our Shop Vac.
Here exploit the different densities of the shell and nib to help separate the two: the lighter shell is sucked up by this vacuum and deposited in a receptacle, while the denser nib keeps falling into a removable container below.

Grinding and Melanging
After the winnowing is completed, it should ideally be left with a pile of the pure nib ( a pile of the pure nib is formed. can now grind this into chocolate then pour the nib pieces into a Champion Juicer, which grinds the beans into a liquid known as cocoa liquor. Part of the liquor will pass through the filter on the bottom of the juicer, while the rest will flow out the front of the juicer. This unfiltered cocoa liquor must be passed through the Champion again to purify it. Eventually, almost all of the cocoa liquor will have passed through the filter

At this point, we only need to solidify our chocolate and then sell it. Unfortunately, this is rather more easily said than done. We still need to pass through the most technically demanding step of the chocolate process: tempering. A full understanding of tempering requires significant knowledge of the chemistry of chocolate, which I have decided to include in the Appendix. Instead of giving the whole background here, I’ll just gloss over almost all of the details and skip directly towards the process. On the most basic level, tempering is necessary because the particles that make up a chocolate bar can arrange themselves in many different ways. The different arrangements of the chocolate particles on a molecular level create different physical properties of the final chocolate on a much larger scale. Chocolate with the correct molecular arrangement (referred to as Form V chocolate) is dark brown, glossy, and makes a satisfying snap when broken. Chocolate with an incorrect molecular arrangement (Form IV chocolate) is lighter in color
What is the Retail channel for chocolate Production at 2018?
Modern Grocery retailing dominates the distribution of chocolate.
Supermarket and Hypermarket retain their dominant position within the chocolate category, accounting for 55% of global value sales in 2018
How you can get Consumer Attention ?
This Graph shows the main points need to focus it for your product.
How you can get the right Packaging and accurate filling machine for your product ?
In order to find the best machine for your needs, consider the following product characteristics:
The Product
What is the viscosity? What is production Capacity? The chemical composition? Are there chunks?
What type of cap is required? Screw, press-on or twist -off? Is the machine Automatic or Semi-Automatic? Does it require sleeve Shrink? Does it require Heat Sealing, Induction Heating?
Where is the machine going to be located? What type of environment is necessary inside of the machine? Is there a need for an Explosive Proof environment? What types of cleaning and maintenance processes are required