The role of information in administrative decision

The role of information in administrative decision

The study Problem :

 Information is the lifeblood of any administrative apparatus, as it plays a very important role in the decision-making process, which requires the availability of sufficient and accurate information to help officials make rational decisions that achieve the desired goals, and from this logic came the idea of ​​this study, whose problem can be crystallized in the question. Next boss: What is the role of information in the administrative decision-making process?

Study questions:

 1- What are the most important sources of information gathering necessary for administrative decision-making 2

– What are the methods used to obtain the necessary information for the administrative decision-making process?

 3- How effective is the information in the administrative decision-making process?

4- What are the steps that can be followed to activate the role of information in the administrative decision-making process?

5- What are the difficulties facing decision-makers in obtaining information?

Objectives of the study :

 1- Determine the most important sources of information gathering necessary for administrative decision-making.

Identify the methods used to obtain the necessary information for the administrative decision-making process 3

– To know the extent of the effectiveness of information in the administrative decision-making process? 4

– Identify the steps that can be followed to activate the role of information in the administrative decision-making process

5- Highlighting the most important difficulties facing decision-makers in obtaining information?

the importance of studying :

This study derives its importance from the importance of the topic it is investigating, which is “the role of information in the decision-making process”, as the validity of a decision and its effectiveness depend on the accuracy and validity of the available information. This study is also important through the set of scientific additions it provides in this regard, which can benefit researchers in the academic field and practitioners in practical reality, as it enables them to make decisions in a more comprehensive and objective scientific manner.

Results :

 The study reached the following results:

 1- One of the most important sources of information gathering necessary for administrative decision-making are: laws, regulations, laws, studies, research, plans, and executive plans, official reports, and specialized reference books.

– The most common methods used to obtain information necessary for administrative decision-making are Individuals collecting information by themselves, using all available resources to obtain information, collecting data from several sources to obtain appropriate information, relying on reading and studies results, and distributing tasks to a number of subordinates.

– Information has an effective role in the administrative decision-making process in terms of achieving the desired goals with the greatest efficiency, taking appropriate decisions, identifying and analyzing the problem, implementing the decision in a correct manner, and making rational decisions.

– The steps that can be followed to activate the role of information in the decision-making process are: continuous updating of information and working to deliver it in a timely manner, providing and integrating the necessary information, and organizing it so that it can be retrieved and used in a timely manner, in addition to the use of modern technology in collecting, storing and exchanging information. As well as providing accurate and brief information.

 – The most important difficulties facing decision-makers in obtaining information are: the difficulty of retrieving information as a result of not arranging, organizing, and storing it, the inappropriateness of the mechanism used to convert data into information, the expansion of the work volume, the length of time required to collect

Information, lack of cooperation from those in possession of information, and lack of material and human resources.

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