lubrication and it’s effect

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lubrication and it’s effect

One of the most important things an operator can do for his machinery is to make sure it is properly lubricated or not. Lubrication: Lubrication is the control of friction and wear by the introduction of a friction-reducing film between moving surfaces in contact. The lubricant used can be a fluid, solid, or plastic substance.


stainless steel and it’s importance

Due to its excellent corrosion resistance, high strength and attractive appearance, stainless steel sees a wide range of uses across both industrial and consumer markets. “Stainless” steel is actually a generic term referring to a variety of steel types. Like all other kinds of steel, stainless steel is made primarily from iron and carbon in


Quality assurance & the way of applying it

Quality Assurance (QA): is defined as an activity to ensure that an organization is providing the best possible product or service to customers. QA focuses on improving the processes to deliver Quality Products to the customer. An organization has to ensure that processes are efficient and effective as per the quality standards defined for software


Studies on Coconut Oil and Its Health Effects

Coconut is one of the most important foods in some tropical and subtropical countries, with the coconut tree being referred to as the ‘tree of life’. In such places, coconut and its products (milk and oil, among others) are used in daily life by the general population for several purposes, such as cooking, hair and


How to make soy sauce and Is it bad for you?

You may have doused your sushi or Chinese food with soy sauce countless times. But have you given much thought to what’s in that salty, dark liquid—and if soy sauce is any good for you? Soy sauce: is a salty liquid condiment traditionally produced by fermenting soybeans and wheat. It is thought to have originated