What distinguishes organic foods from other foods?

What distinguishes organic foods from other foods?

What is organic food?

A commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and good fats, there is the issue of food safety, correct nutrition and sustainability. How do you grow foods and what is the difference between growing organic foods and traditional foods? Is “organic” always the best? What about locally grown foods?

What does “membership” mean?

The term “organic” refers to the way in which agricultural and processed products are grown. Specific requirements must be met and the products maintained under special conditions. In order to be described as “organic”, organic crops must be grown in safe soils, and they must be kept separate from traditional products, nor Farmers are allowed to use synthetic pesticides or biological engineering genes (genetically modified organisms), as well as the use of fertilizers derived from petroleum, waste water to irrigate them, and fertilizers based on sludge, as it is necessary to say about livestock as organic for inhalation of fresh air, and given organic feed, and it is not permissible Give her antibiotics, growth hormones, or any type of inorganic product.

Organic food products

Organic farming is helpful in reducing environmental pollution and conserving soil due to how it was obtained. Among the most prominent organic food products that are consumed, we mention:

– fruits.




-Various dairy products.

The word “organic” does not mean that a product is 100% organic.

According to the US Department of Agriculture, products that are classified as organic are not considered as such unless they are stated as “100% organic,” as the product must contain only 95% organic ingredients to be classified as an organic product. In addition, some ingredients are exempt from the definition because they are difficult to bring from organic sources, including sausage casings, food coloring, celery powder and fish oils.

Many benefits of organic food

The organic food that is subject in its production and cultivation to the principles mentioned above is characterized by several benefits, the most prominent of which are the following:

-Free from toxic substances transferred to it by chemical fertilizers and pesticides, which harm nerves and brain cells.

-Suitable for children, as it is free of toxic substances that hinder their mental and physical development.

-It tastes better than regular foods.

-Reducing environmental pollution of soil, water and air by using environmentally friendly organic pesticides and fertilizers.

-It contains a higher percentage of vitamins, minerals and omega-3s compared to non-organic food.

-In addition to the aforementioned benefits of organic food, it is not without harm, including the use of copper solution to eliminate agricultural pests, which does not dissolve in the soil quickly and transfer from it to plants, then humans and animals, and this type of production increases the effect of some organic fertilizers on the human nervous system and causes The occurrence of liver diseases and some immune and nervous diseases.

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