The Ten Commandments of Food and Healthy Fasting in Ramadan

The Ten Commandments of Food and Healthy Fasting in Ramadan

With the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan, many people rush to eat fatty foods in a greater quantity than normal days due to the large number of breakfasts and the variety of delicious dishes, and because it is difficult for us to resist the magic of the Iftar table, it is necessary to pay more attention to the meal that we eat during the Iftar banquet and to be keen on adopting a healthy diet to keep away About us the ghost of gaining weight, here are ten tips and steps that we have chosen for you that we recommend that you follow during the holy month.

Some general health advice in the month of Ramadan

-The first advice is to break the fast on dates and eat food after the sunset prayer, especially since eating dates from the Sunnah of our Messenger, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, after long hours of fasting, the stomach is in a state of unpreparedness for the beginning of the process of digesting heavy meals that may exhaust the stomach, as dates are considered easy and quick to absorb before The intestinal wall due to simple sugars such as glucose and fructose, and their digestion does not require complicated processes, as is the case in carbohydrates and fats, and giving space to the stomach at the time of prayer is an opportunity to prepare it to receive food.
-The second advice is to eat healthy, balanced meals that contain all the nutrients (carbohydrates – proteins – fats – mineral salts and vitamins) and stay away from extravagance in Ramadan.
– Not to be exposed to the sun to avoid losing water from the body, especially for patients with kidney, liver and diabetes.

– Lovers of tea or coffee must consume it only once, provided that it is light three hours after eating and sweetened with dark sugar at a rate not high for its damages while controlling the rate of eating oriental sweets and nuts during Ramadan.
– Good chewing helps to get the most benefit from what we eat, leaving an empty place in the stomach to make us feel comfortable in the digestion process, and a good night’s sleep and movement during the day gives us a high ability to withstand fasting.

-The suhoor must contain local yogurt, protein source and complex carbohydrates such as (beans – rice – pasta – brown bread) because it needs a lot of time for digestion and absorption, which reduces the feeling of hunger.
-A person must limit eating foods rich in fat, especially fat-rich meats, and foods made from crispy pancakes or pancakes with added fats / margarine or butter. It is better to stay away from frying and use other methods of cooking, such as steaming, cooking with sauce, stir-frying using a small amount of oil, or cooking in the oven.
-Try to move as much as possible, and be active in the evening periods, where you can, for example, walk regularly daily.
-Make some slight changes in your cooking habits, to get delicious and healthy foods. This does not mean that you have to give up your family’s favorite dishes, but rather that you convert them to healthy foods.

You can reduce the amount of fat used in cooking, or use veal, venison, and chicken as alternatives to high-fat foods.

You can also remove the skin from poultry before or after cooking, and choose breast meat instead of hip or flank meat.

Make sure to reduce the amount of oil used in preparing fried foods, using only one tablespoon to two
-Prepare vegetable-rich soups such as spinach and broccoli, minerals and fiber that are essential for your family’s health

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