The amazing benefits of honey from the past to the present

June 2020 - Page 2 of 2 - CUBII

The amazing benefits of honey from the past to the present

HONEY The story of honey is older than history itself. An 8,000-year-old cave painting in Spain depicts honey harvesting, and we know it’s been used for food, medicine and more by cultures all over the world since.   But honey isn’t about humans. It’s the natural product made from bees—one of our planet’s most important


Importance of cam and how to protect them

The CAMshaft is a complex piece of some machinery. There are hundreds of moving parts that all have to work together in a coordinated effort in order to function correctly in the machine. One of the key components to managing this effort is the camshaft . Sometimes called a “bump stock” or “cam”, the cam


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How maintenance contributes to the productivity increase: Each machine is thoroughly tested and inspected by manufacturers before selling it, and by the buyer before using it, when using it, it will be damaged and therefore appropriate attention should be paid to protect the machine and its components from corrosion and protect them from malfunctions. Appropriate


How to achieve safety in a factory 2020?

Factories are places of risky and dangerous work which involves heavy machinery, maybe chemicals, hardware, etc. It definitely has a higher risk of causing injuries and damage to human lives who are employed in these factories,so you have to take care of employees, visitors and passers-by, it’s important you take health and safety seriously within