How maintenance contributes to the productivity increase?

How maintenance contributes to the productivity increase?

How maintenance contributes to the productivity increase:

Each machine is thoroughly tested and inspected by manufacturers before selling it, and by the buyer before using it, when using it, it will be damaged and therefore appropriate attention should be paid to protect the machine and its components from corrosion and protect them from malfunctions.

Appropriate attention means lubrication, cleaning, periodic inspection, and carefully scheduled periodic maintenance

A large budget is spent in factories, mainly on: labor, raw materials, and maintenance. Each machine will need repairs even if it is perfectly designed, therefore repairs must take place at times when the plant is less working, the machines can be repaired when it’s not in use or its use may be delayed , that’s for not affecting the overall production.

Therefore it is preferred that the machine is examined in general when it is not running, so that the defect can be corrected and errors in each machine can be detected , easily without causing a Great crash to the factory.

In this way, we say that maintenance is responsible for the smooth and efficient work of the industry and helps improve productivity. It also helps in maintaining the machines in a state of production and maximum efficiency and not to break down or stop production for long periods, therefore maintenance contributes directly to the increase in productivity.


definition of maintenance:

Maintenance can be defined as a set of procedures that aims to replace, repair, maintain, or modify components in a factory or machinery so that they continue to work or restore a functional unit and return to normal operation and perform the required functions.

It is also all actions taken | such as tests, measurements, replacements, modifications, and repairs | To keep material in service condition or to return it to service.

The main types of maintenance operations:

Maintenance can generally be done in the following two ways:

  1. Maintenance of faults.
  2. Preventive maintenance.

In the first case of maintenance, a repair can be done after the crash has occurred, while in the second case maintenance is carried out on a forecast or on a periodic check.

Aim of preventive maintenance| one of the most common types of maintenance | achieve the following goals:

  1. Reaching the highest plant efficiency by avoiding collapse and minimizing closure times.
  2. Keep the machines in proper condition to maintain the quality of the product.
  3. Reducing wasted time and the cost of purchasing new equipment or new machinery.
  4. Ensure the safety of workers.
  5. Maintaining the factory with maximum production efficiency.

Maintenance procedures:

Maintenance must be carried out taking into account all the factors mentioned above. Daily maintenance is done by the worker himself. Before starting his shift, the worker must clean, lubricate and grease. For this purpose manufacturers are used to issuing maintenance instructions for their machines, which must be strictly followed.

The preventive maintenance of the machine is dependent on the workers and therefore, as far as possible, one worker must be assigned to each machine, and when the same machine is used in more than one shift, one worker is assigned to each machine for each shift.

Periodic maintenance is generally performed by specialized maintenance staff who are specially trained for this purpose. Their suitability for comprehensive and important maintenance must be determined based on previous experience. Apart from that, the operators must follow the operating instructions carefully.

In the case of any sound or abnormal behavior is observed in the machine, the worker must inform the maintenance team of this malfunction or problem immediately because in these matters the sooner the time to detect the faults the better and the easier it is to solve matters and save time and effort in the term Far and more economical to save the budget and make the workflow more smooth and also ensure the safety and quality of the resulting products, because any small malfunction in the machine can lead to a difference in quality or bad final form, so care must be taken not to leave the simple malfunction or different behavior even if only a little to a time The usual maintenance is best It is treated immediately and the problem is solved.

The schedules of inspection, daily and periodic inspection and lubrication must be followed very carefully. The inspection schedule should include examination of tools, accessories and other equipment.

Cube Company explains the scheduled periodic maintenance dates that guarantee the safety of the machine for the user for the longest possible period and also clarify some instructions that ensure the safety of the machine and thus makes a great confidence of customers in Cube and make it their best choice and this video shows the quality of making the machine and it is an automatic machine for filling light liquids: