Should I use pear seed oil for beauty and personal care?

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Should I use pear seed oil for beauty and personal care?

One of the best fruits for skin care, we mention the pear or pear, which takes good care of your face and maintains its beauty and attractiveness. Thanks to its richness in vitamins and antioxidants, which help reduce sebum secretions in the skin and restore balance and radiance, pear fruit will become one of your


The Ten Commandments of Food and Healthy Fasting in Ramadan

With the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan, many people rush to eat fatty foods in a greater quantity than normal days due to the large number of breakfasts and the variety of delicious dishes, and because it is difficult for us to resist the magic of the Iftar table, it is necessary to


What distinguishes organic foods from other foods?

What is organic food? A commitment to healthy eating is a great start towards a healthier life. Beyond eating more fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and good fats, there is the issue of food safety, correct nutrition and sustainability. How do you grow foods and what is the difference between growing organic foods and traditional


For a quiet sleep .. Food recipes that fight insomnia

Sleep disorders and insomnia cause many of us, and it is a common problem among many people, and it may be caused by excessive intake of stimulants, staying up late, or feeling anxious, anxious and depressed, so it is important to treat this problem by organizing sleep schedules and exercising, which in turn will stimulate


Industrial flavors from ancient times to today

Spices and flavors have been used for thousands of years all over the world, beginning when people used simple herbs or spices to flavor their food.  Today, the flavor industry is composed of hundreds of companies all over the world. The most important thing about orange juice is that it is very rich in vitamin