How food packaging minimizes food waste?

How food packaging minimizes food waste?

Food waste has environmental, economic and social impacts as well. High levels of individual income and spending, the standard of living, the ability to spend, and our behaviors in wasting food negatively affect our limited resources. It has become common to see heaps of leftover food in food dishes in shopping malls and restaurants.
The packaging does more than simply
“wrap up” foods. It maintains
freshness so that the nutritional value,
taste and shelf life are prolonged. For
example, most modern fresh food packages act as
moisture and oxygen barriers, maximizing freshness while
reducing spoilage, bacteria, and mold formation. The latest
packaging innovations even include technologies that prevent
or reduce contaminants, increasing shelf life while maintaining
nutritional value, potentially reducing food waste by 20%.10
Provides Critical Storage & Usage Information

Besides providing protection, packaging reduces
waste by delivering only the parts of these products that are
ready to eat.